For the 6/27/21 Sunday Bulletin in .pdf format, click here:
June 27th, 2021 bulletin
June 27th, 2021 bulletin
On Thursday, June 24th David Smith dropped to one knee, presented a ring, and asked that blessed question to Lauren Turner, “Will you marry me?” As church family, let’s rally around this beautiful couple to as they prepare for marriage. More details to come soon!

- On Sunday June 27th – Lifecare worship services at 8am and our regular worship at 10am. Members can still receive the
parking lot radio station (98,3), communion, & bulletin. - Bible Classes – Will begin on Sunday 9am on July 11th and
Wednesday 6:30pm on July 14th – Nathan & Topher are organizing. - July 5th-Office closed
- July 11th – Young Adult lunch & kayaking trip at Big Bottom @ Noon.
- July 18th – Cameron Farris & Katie Roberts will be married in Jamaica!
- July 18th – Elders, Deacons, Ministry Leader Luncheon after Church
- July 23rd – 8am – Men’s Prayer Breakfast – The Landing Rock Island
- July 24th-Wedding of Andrew Webb & Emily Johnson at 6:00 pm. at
the Brady MT. Wedding & Event Venue in Crab Orchard, Tn. - August 20-21st – Field trip to Murf. for Trey & Lea’s Marriage workshop.
Youth News
- June 20- Bible Bowl Practice at 4:30. Link to practice: Please read Luke 9-11 to prepare! Our next
practice will be over studying chapters 11-13. . We need a scorekeeper! - June 29th-Service Project for ages K-12. Meet at the Wiles home(703 Crosslin
St.) at 9 am to assemble sunshine baskets. We will assemble, deliver and then
return to the Wiles home for lunch. Students may be picked up there at 1 pm.
Contact Ashley Wiles if you have any questions. - July 11-Summer FX Night at 6:00 pm in the annex. The theme is: Over and
Over ( Training to Win the Prize) We will have singing, games, a devo and a great
time enjoying fellowship together. Also, this is a great night to invite a friend and
their family! - VBS( uly 18-21) is coming & we need your help! Our theme this year is God of
Wonders! If you are interested in helping, please join Patrick at the front of the
auditorium for a short meeting after the morning service.